Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rwandan Hacker..East Africa's 'Anonymous'?

Yes... East African Firms should be worried, Rwandan Hacker is on a hacking spree...These hackers apparently hack for a cause and so far they have hacked 3 Kenyan and exposed their databases

A Hacker group known as Rwandan Hackers hacked three Bank websites in Kenya , they named the operation as "#opkenyabank".
They breached the security in Prime Bank limited ( , Development Bank of Kenya( ltd, CfC stanbic Bank Kenya( websites and leaked the sample data from dumped database in pastebin. The leak contains the database info such as table name, database name.
Hackers also provided a screenshot of the Control panel belong to the Prime Bank limited website.The above Rwandan Hackers also hacked into the website of The East African Standard, a leading media house in East Africa based out of Kenya. Rwandan Hackers have also announced that they were able to hack into the database of Sahaj Computers, who are security vendor's Kaspersky distributors in Tanzania. The hack was through SQL injection and the hackers published the username of the administrator's account.In January, Rwandan Hackers have also hacked into a site belonging to a Nigerian Government Agency and the University of Ghana.
 So when i stepped forward on twitter and asked if it was really them they didnt shy away...
Why Do you hack exactly?

 But Why Rwandan Hacker, Why hack Kenyan Banks?

Is this just the beginning, should we be worried..

Out of curiosity, who is your next target?
On hearing this i tried to reason with them, be a hero...Save my country ..okay thats an overstatement...
but i did ask them why they wanna hack theTanzanian Govt website..

There you have it... i hope all the geeks and nerds responsible for the Tanzanian Government website stay warned...
*walks away slowly*

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