Kony 2012 is internet bullying at its worst. its a racist hate crime video, that aims to inspire the American population to cry for invasion of Africa. It focuses on a black super villain named Kony, who probably isn't even a real person. Just The Facts
- KONY 2012 is the most successful war hysteria propaganda, er, viral video in the history of the military computer program known as the internet.
- Kony is the New Bin Laden. The new Hitler, like both of them. He's probably not even real.
- Kony 2012 is the internet version of the US military blowing up the twin towers and using the news to blame it on Bin Laden to justify invading Afghanistan, which turned us into the war criminals.
KONY 2012 is a youtube movie produced by the CIA and made by a boy band of effeminate white missionaries who call themselves Invisible Children, created to create mass war hysteria in hateful white american virgins whose emotions were easy to take advantage of because they were still grieving the death of Osama bin Laden.
The new Bin Laden is a dude named Kony, a real mean black dude from Uganda who likes to pimp out little girls, and makes little boys cut off each others faces and kill adults. The point of the movie on a very shallow level is to make Kony famous by the end of 2012. Mission accomplished! After one week on youtube, the movie generated a fuckload of money in charity, Kony was famous, and the military was all riled up to invade Africa.
Then within one week of the success of the video,the narrator of the movie, a giant nordic missionary style CIA biotch named Jason Russel, stole the punchline from this article by running through the streets of San Diego, totally naked, jacking off in the streets.
Its true, the head of invisible children became a sex criminal, showing his dick to children in America, proving once again that the CIA is just constantly making fun of all of us, creating War is Peace war propaganda videos,suckering us with racist dreams of invading africa, then fucking his hand in the streets just to make fun of us.
Personally, i think Blood Diamond was a much better movie than Kony 2012. Because the message was alot more innocent. The message was Dicrappio is a great actor and don't buy blood diamonds. the message wasn't, you know, hate black people, support invading africa, and pump your dick in public til you cum in the streets.
fuck. america is retarded. The success of Kony 2012 is the proof. I don't even know how to make jokes about this ridiculous shit. the joke is on us. its a racist joke. its really insulting to be manipulated into war hysteria, and its just humiliating that the carnival barker who turned us into war mongering racists ready to plunder africa is currently stroking his dick in our faces on the tv news.
i'm just fucking embarassed.
its not funny. it hurts my fucking feelings. all i have left after the insult of Kony 2012 to my intelligence and conscience to offer is two quotes to consider side by side. maybe if you think about this stuff instead of following the advice and example set by Invisible Children, you won't end up giving hand jobs in the streets.
-1984. George Orwell.
-KONY 2012. Invisible Children
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