Follow the Yellow Regions |
I dint even flinch ...but right after Iraq and Afghanistan? But those places had war and stuff...But we did bomb ourselves twice...that counts right?
The American organisation Visual Economics says the once-rich oil exporter Iraq tops the list of beggar nations with donations totalling about $9 billion followed by Afghanistan and Tanzania, whose development alms are nearly $4 billion and $3 billion, respectively, according to 2010 figures.
But the government yesterday questioned the accuracy of the report, saying there were many other countries that received much more in foreign assistance than Tanzania. Finance and Economic Affairs deputy permanent secretary Servacius Likwelile told The Citizen on Sunday that countries like Israel and Egypt receive a substantial amount of assistance from the US annually, and wondered whether the report included military aid.They wondered why, despite the staggering amounts of aid the country has been receiving for five decades, the country remains one of the poorest in the world with a third of the population living below the poverty line.Some attributed the limited value for money on aid to bad governance, a view supported by the 2009 Human Rights Report, which states that “senior government officials estimated that 20 per cent of the government’s budget in each fiscal year was lost to corruption”. [source]
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