Checkmate Kate - you've taken the King!
Best Banner at the Royal Wedding!
Notice the Bald Patch..blame this on Charles....William looked breathlessly handsome with the hat on..Hair piece anyone?
Finally..these two tied the Knot.. I swear they were everywhere it was getting a bit agitating... I used to see them in ym dreams for GOdsake..found myself glued on the TV screen not moving an inch with a couple of buddies...everytime someone breathed we gave em the bad eye...and every word we missed we googled it..
I was almost as obsessed as these campers
Kate looked so beautiful at one point It was look that beautiful..The dress was Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen ...
truth be told, i wasnt thaaat inlove with Kate's Dress, problem is I was expecting a 5 foot veil Dianesque Dress..she still looked amazing
Becks and Vics were best dressed
Victoria Beckham had that shoe Custom made by Mister Louboutin Himself! Bish You Baad!
| |
Joss Stone |
Kate's Sister
I swear someone told Kate to smile and wave non stop...her hand must have been dead tired
This was too cute
And Guess who we spotted..though this was at the pre-wedding Dinner
King Mswati.. With one of his wives...
Well heres Mswati Entering West Minister Abbey for the wedding
Where is your wife Papaa?
believe it or not this is actually a trending topic now...a tear drop didnt roll down my cheek.. It didnt, honest..but really world...its a wedding..things like this happen...What would have been awkward... A HUG OR HANDSHAKE
And An Estimated 2 billion viewers were watching the wedding all over the world, you know i get Fidgety and a bit nervous stammering when Im doing something and alot of people are watching...(speeches and presentations not included) imagine my fright if I was Kate...getting married knowing a gazillion people all over the world were watching you.. Id just die, right there.. Kapoof
We Mustn Miss the Wedding
Ayesha Walker, 44, watches the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton at a "pajamas and tiaras" live viewing party at 3 a.m. in Los Angeles
Tears Of JoyA woman wipes her eye as she watches the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton on a large screen at St Andrews University in St Andrews, Scotland..Tears of Joy I tears were different..the feeling of knowing William is no longer single..not that we'd ever cross paths...
A toast to a new reign!
Gather the Men and the women in the mess room, we shall watch the wedding
Party-goers dressed in British and royal themed costumes react as they watch a telecast of the wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton at Sydney's Lord Dudley hotel
Look! They kissed!
Royal fans watch the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton on a large screen at St Andrews university in St Andrews, Scotland
Servers Down, Cant Find Lee..Last thing I should be watching but What the heck
Hajime Ajima, an evacuee of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, watches a broadcast of the wedding at a gymnasium converted into an evacuation center in western Tokyo
They're gonna show us these Guys right before our exams...real classy Media guy, real classy
Thais watch a live telecast of the wedding at a shopping mall in Bangkok
People celebrate as they attend a public viewing of the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton at a local cinema in downtown Munich
Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper (sadfully no invited) offers a toast while watching the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton on television in Montreal
And those of use not Invited, we shalll watch from the Theaters
People attend a public viewing of the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton at a local cinema in downtown Munich,
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