As the years go by, I get less and less interested in Valentine's Day.... Its become very commercialized, like how Christmas has become commercialized. Its no longer the day of love, its the day of sex, or day of expensive gifts and some free dinners which comes with a rose or chocolate or both when you're lucky. I say this coz all the jewelry stores in town are now 50% off especially for Valentines day.... Even Pizzas have gone half Price.I'm not miserable,maybe I am, just a tinsy witsy bit... coz I'm starting to question the whole sense of reserving one day in the whole year consisting of 365 days ...and only one day of love... Why dont we live everyday like Valentines Day? Show Each other this young love everyday, get each other gifts every day.... show this rush of emotion everyday, and then there's the annoying
happy-happy always smiling people who are screaming my ears out coz they got proposed to on Valentine's day, a cliche that is starting to get me off, Proposing on Valentines day is real cute but not to me..dont do it on Valentines Day,I cant, I'll punch you, you watch too many movies, come up with something new, Dunno..April fools day maybe...thatd be funny and If i say no coz i dont like like you, you could always say 'April fools' and I'll have a stupid look on my face...its a win-win situtation, I'd like that... Everywhere I go its like the ultimate Day of Love, Why dont we love this way everyday? Why do we have to do it only one friggin day of the year?
Anyway.... Just my 2 cents, not that I will be stuffing my face in a pillow or watching a movie with a jar of cookies ..I wont.. I just might have a good Valentines, hopefully, the birds might not pee on my balcony this monday coz its Valentines, they might wanna show a lil love, the trees will not poke me wen I'm taking my morning walk, I will not trip and fall and roll over at the store coz they absolutely refuse to fix that invisible step, The courier guy will not ring my bell accidentally'
No I am not Mrs. Sharma, Do i look like a married Sharma to you? There will be no cats to jump on me as I take out my trash and I run screaming and the guy who lives upstairs says
Relax its just cat coz he didnt see the Dog-sheep like biggest cat in the world with the meanest whiskers... And most of all, I will be nice and less sarcastic to everyone who crosses my path because its Valentines Day and good things happen on Valentines Day....Right? so Happy Valentine's Day..Just stay in love, and live each day like Valentines Day...then it wont seem like such a big deal...
By the way, I hope You enjoy the many Valentines Videos..
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