We Actually Do Pay Attention to Our Diets We're actually paying really close attention to the amount of carbs we eat.
We're Not Always as Smooth As We'd Like to Be No matter how many times we do it, we get a little nervous every time we have to take off your bra.
We Use Your Toiletries We steal your deodorant all the time — even the kind that smells like lilac breeze or whatever.
There's a Lot of Pressure to Be Manly Say we're at a baseball game and we're sitting in left field. We're really kind of scared a ball's going to be hit to us and we'll have to catch it or be embarrassed.
We're Insecure About Our Bodies, Too For approximately the first 49 times you see us naked, we're sucking in our stomach.
We Aren't Opposed to Working Out with You We want to try yoga.
We Manscape There's a good chance we shave our chest hair with clippers.
It Would Be Nice If You Offered to Pay We don't want to pick up the check nearly as often as we pick up the check.
We Aren't Fearless Your dad still scares us.
We Try To Act Cooler Than We Are We're often way more into you than we're comfortable letting on.
Ever Since I started the Love and Relationship thing, Seems like everyone has something to say a bout it and I'm happy! For anyone whose complaining about me not publishing their Relationship piece or so, You have to understand, this blog doesn't support certain language and content, I care what I write and I care what people read if you're gonna send me a love story or relationship piece or writings please let it be reader friendly...I really watch wot I put up. Do send me your love stories or breakup stories, funny, sad..relationship traumas..that sorta thing...U can send the story in Swahili too if u like, Swahili or english.
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