Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Talking business in East Africa

 Rwanda is the East African country that has improved its business regulatory environment the most over the past five years, according to the Doing Business in the East African Community 2011 report.

Doing Business 2011 ranked 183 countries on the overall ease of doing business.
Rwanda, for the second year in a row, featured among the ten economies that improved the most on the ease of doing business, moving up from 70 in the global rankings in Doing Business 2010 to 58 in Doing Business 2011,” says the report.
“Rwanda’s improvements reflect concerted efforts,” notes the report. “In 2003 Rwanda started to reach out to East Asian economies such as Singapore to learn from their reform success stories.”

Rwanda’s reform agenda soon started to show results. In 2005, entrepreneurs had to go through nine procedures to start a new business, at a cost of 223% of income per capita. In 2010 it took only three days to start a company, costing only 8.8% of income per capita.
In 2008 more than 3,000 new businesses were established in Rwanda, compared to an average of only 700 annually in previous years.
Rwanda has also made it easier to register a property. “Registering property in 2005 took more than a year (371 days), and the transfer fees amounted to 9.8% of the property value. In 2010 the process took two months and cost 0.4% of the property value.”
Looking at the whole East African Community, the report states that all member states – BurundiKenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda – have continued to take steps to make it easier to do business. Despite this progress, the EAC has not kept up with global reforms. “The average ranking on the ease of doing business in East Africa, at 117, is not much higher than the average for Sub-Saharan Africa overall,” says the report.
According to the Doing Business 2011 report, Kenya fell four places from 94 the previous year to 98; Uganda improved seven places from 129 to 122; Tanzania dropped from 125 to 128; and Burundi remained at 181 (the third lowest ranking among the 183 countries
How did that happen?


In Khanga Jeans by Vida Mahimbo

Climbing Kilimanjaro

Summit on the Summit expedition up Mt. Kilimanjaro  Kenna ,Lupe Fiasco, Santi White of Santigold, Jessica Biel, Emile Hirsch, and Isabel Lucas. These images are from Photographer Michael Muller, ....
Ever thought what a hard job these porters have, climbing to and fro Kilimanjaro with all that luggage? Imagine that for a job, not easy... ..glad the pohotographer captured this.

via out&aboutAfrica

From Congo with Love...

African Tiger Fish...


I think i spend to much time hunting down African magazines...yes, i have that much time n my hands..
Anyone heard of Zen?...August issue..
Zen Magazine is an urban culture entertainment and arts magazine that caters for everything art, music & culture in Africa. Each issue of the magazine will include a professionally produced DVD that will consist of music videos from artists, art exhibitions & live interviews of a few of our illustrious celebrities. Our issue will showcase African creativity and diversity across the World.

And yup, I'm a magazine junkie
See inside..

I am Gwyneth Paltrow

Remember the cause....
I am African?
In the “I Am African” ad campaign, everyone from Alicia Keys to Richard Gere is featured in black and white photos with traditional African paint and beads adorning their bodies. The campaign is attempting to help keep children alive affected by the AIDS pandemic, by raising funds for schools, orphanages, and medical supplies 
Help us stop the dying, pay for the lifesaving Aids drugs that can keep a child, a mother, a father, a family alive, visit to help

I understand that in the end...we all sorta in everyone, History does state that All human life originated from Africa..(i read that somewhere)
But Gwyneth sure got some shade for this lol....
Help us Stop the Shameless famewhores from using the suffering of those dying from aids in Africa to bolster pathetic careers now that they are no longer dating Brad Pitt and no one gives a shit about them. Just Kiss my Black ass to help.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lanvin's new collection in Video...

Ha ha ha..i loved this...I know you want me by Pitbull, yes, Lanvin, i want bad!!!.. designers are getting quite creative with their ads, mini-movies...Alber (Lanvin's Creative Director) appearing in the end was just hilarious!
Check out their new A/W 2011-2012 collection, one the best campaigns so far

Who hot?

This is from the hottest African women on the BHF network.....They're all so gorgeous!! Aaaaah!
Bear with me, its a was either this or singing cats...

African Fashion Equals big business

“The retail landscape is changing, (digital) media have changed a lot and new generations of African women, although they are very much inspired by what’s happening in the world around them, find it important to still show something of their own African identity,” she said. It’s her belief that the ‘mix’ between western influence and appealing to African roots is what makes the Vlisco brand very attractive.
Nevertheless, it is impossible to talk about African fashion without examining its current position on the global fashion map and market. Today, Africa can boast of a talented generation of designers who are creating an array of contemporary and traditional styles that appeal to national and international ‘fashionistas.’ With designers like Tiffany Amber, described as revolutionising the fashion industry in Nigeria. Mustafa Hassanali, a celebrated Tanzanian designer, for who fashion is a religion that is to be pursued,  Stoned Cherrie, one of South Africa’s most recognised fashion brands and Zed Eye, and UK-based Nigerian designer, who can count Kelis, among her clients, these are exciting times for African fashion. It is bridging cultures and producing trailblazers.


Stoned Cherrie
South Africa is arguably Africa’s fashion capital with over three premier fashion weeks every year, including Cape Town, Durban and Joburg fashion Weeks. According to Business Day, one of South Africa’s leading business newspapers, as of 2010, the ‘South African textile and clothing industry employed 200,000 people and had annual sales of R20bn, which accounted for 15 percent the nation’s formal employment and was identified by the government as a key sector for economic growth.’With the exception of South Africa, when it comes to the monetary value, there are no specific figures for the African industry’s worth as a whole but Shobanjo says it is potentially worth billions of dollars. She uses the example of SUNO New York, which produces out of Kenya using SOKO Kenya, a co-op that involves local artisans. It recently partnered with ASOS for its Autumn/Winter 2011 collection. It is Shobanjo’s belief that more initiatives like SOKO Kenya, is what Africa needs because it “drives global exports while creating fair employment for locals. If we get this right, I have no doubt that the industry could be worth billions in a short space of time.”

Read More here

Little Wayne's Style..

I've been watching him ever since he wore those pjs on stage a couple of weeks ago...
Now, dont get me wrong, men look good in prints, when its nicely done...
but somebody is paying Weezy's stylist to sabotage him ..sideye at Jay Z...
And those jeggins..ooommppph..worse...and sagging jeggings? that the new ish?

Pattern Pillows..

Lookie What I found on Elle Decor..
Tamara Magel's Lively African prints...
jajaja Khanga Pride...

i Kinda like Jo Calderone...

Its been a year since I posted anything about Gaga, but i just couldn't anymore..
Yup, i kinda like Gaga's alter ego Jo Calderone at the MTV Video Music know, she makes a good looking guy ...
This may sound weird but I like her as Jo Calderone I heard Jo Calderone even used Male toilets at the Awards show!
Gaga -- or, rather, Calderone -- opened the show with a lengthy monologue before launching into Gaga's "YoĂĽ and I." Jo then hung out with Kanye West in the audience,paid tribute to Britney Spearsand even shared a kiss with the pop star. Not once did Gaga break character. In Gibson's eyes, this type of performance is groundbreaking.

she tweeted later
“Thank u monsters for supporting @jocalderone attending instead of myself. He came over last night with 2 moonmen, whiskey + we watched VMAs” Gaga Tweeted following the show.
This has been done before, by Annie Lennox, 1984 Grammy Awards
See here

Monday, August 29, 2011

Somewhere in Congo

More of the Infra-red series  by Richard Mosse
The photographer shot these with Kodak Aerochrome infrared film!

                                                  Eastern Congo

Vault Vids

This was from Didier Drogba's Foundation Charity Ball  December 2010...
Akon, Drogba, Fally Ipupa ...dancing away the African way..

iLike:Yagazie Emezie...

Yagazie,one the few African Videobloggers who always has me cracking up,She is friggin Hilarious..have you checked  her youtube?
Her style is effortlessly beautiful..

46664 Clothing line, ready to wear

“We ourselves were branded in prison. Who would have imagined that this once negative number [Mr Nelson Mandela’s prison number, 46664] could one day be a brand that instead celebrates beauty?” — Mr Tokyo Sexwale (For The Nelson Mandela Foundation) at the 46664 Apparel launch in Sandton.

The 46664 line has finally been launched, The Nelson Mandela Foundation partnered with Stuttafords for the clothing line, Percentage of the sales will go towards supporting 466664 initiatives. See More about the clothing line here


I Stil dont get what this was...costume?..dress?...idk...Nicki Minaj at the MTV Video Music awards